Punting… it’s why we’re here. Most likely it’s why you’re here too.
Read our latest posts about it, or find out about how you can join us on a punt tour of Cambridge.
Punting… it’s why we’re here. Most likely it’s why you’re here too.
Read our latest posts about it, or find out about how you can join us on a punt tour of Cambridge.
Allow us to set the scene Back when we started out as independent punt operators, there were just two of us, each with our own boat, working together as a partnership. As time went by, we added more punts and, as a consequence, needed more people to work with us to help take the tours and find people to go on them. In those days, we jokingly referred to ourselves as ‘Team Awesome’ (yeah, I know – it might seem a bit cringe-worthy looking back on it but it seemed like a good idea at the time). In those days, punting was still, largely, a summer activity. Most operators ceased trading altogether during the winter, or ran a very limited service. It was during one of those winter breaks that I decided to build us a website to help promote our business and perhaps bring in some advance bookings. Whilst trying to find a suitable domain name (website address), I discovered that most of the ones with punting in Cambridge (or words to that effect) had already been taken. Looking back, had I been a little bit more imaginative, I might have been able to find something (e.g. our current website address puntcambridge.co.uk may have been available). However, I decided to take a different approach and got inspiration from our tout boards, which all had Cambridge River Tour written on them. Perfect, I thought. It’s very ‘Ronseal’ it describes what we do and has the added advantage of making sense to people who have never actually heard of (at least in the context of Cambridge and boat trips) punting. I registered both the .co.uk and the .com domains, set about building a website and we started [...]