Tim Campbell, Author at Cambridge River Tours - Page 2 of 2


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So far Tim Campbell has created 18 blog entries.

Cambridge in the Snow

This week has seen Cambridge transformed from an already beautiful city into a Narnia-esque winter wonderland, in quite unseasonable fashion (the 1st of March is meant to be the start of spring!). The so-called ‘Beast from the East’ weather front arrived with a vengeance, bringing with it icy winds, sub-zero temperatures and, for many parts of the UK, quite a lot of snow. Monday morning (Feb 26th), Cambridge was looking like this, cold but beautiful and sunny, and apart from the temperature it definitely felt like spring was just around the corner: We managed to film this footage later the same day, of when the snow first arrived in Cambridge. The three clips were shot within the space of perhaps half an hour, showing how quickly it went from a few flakes, to some light flurries, to what felt like an absolute blizzard! Our European cousins, and those across the pond in Canada and the USA, who regularly experience and cope with far worse conditions during their winters, were undoubtedly looking on with bemusement. The UK was plunged into a frenzy of rolling news coverage about the snow, panic-buying in supermarkets, road closures, school closures, cancellation of sporting events and flights, and so on. Of course, it didn’t stop the intrepid and hardy from going punting: Is it the novelty of snow that makes us both so fascinated by it and simultaneously unable to cope with it? The fact that it happens so infrequently does mean that we don’t really have the infrastructure to deal with it. Most of us don’t have the clothes or the driving skills to make the best of it either. If we had snow more often, would we take it [...]

Cambridge in the Snow2019-04-23T13:35:51+00:00

Annual Reviews

Our 2017 Review First of all, we absolutely promise that this isn’t a copy paste of last year’s review, with a few things changed. We definitely wouldn’t do that to you. Secondly, we know that the year hasn’t actually finished yet, but, seriously, not much happens at this time of year, does it? Ok, let’s get on with it… Wow, what a year 2016 2017 was. In years to come, with the benefit of hindsight and water under the bridge (no pun intended), I’m sure that we’ll all look back on 2017 and cry. Or laugh. Or maybe cry with laughter… But for now, let’s take a look back on this year’s highs and lows. Not necessarily in reverse chronological order (or in any kind of order really), not necessarily all to do with punting, and not all of them necessarily directly related to us. Some of it maybe a little bit political. All of them definitely necessary. Maybe. Think of this as a shorter, almost as funny, more Cambridgey version of Charlie Brooker’s annual review… (yes, we are available for TV work). We were awarded another Trip Advisor certificate of excellence (hurrah, two years in a row!). On that note, if you have been punting with us and haven’t left us a review, we would very much appreciate it if you could. We have lots of customers every year but not many of you leave us reviews and our competitors are overtaking us in the listings. That makes us sad. Check it out and click the logo to be taken to our listing: We first wrote our 19 reasons to visit Cambridge; a blog post that literally went viral (not sure about the use [...]

Annual Reviews2023-09-06T08:19:27+00:00

Cambridge Bridges

You could be forgiven for thinking that punting along the river Cam is just about seeing the Cambridge colleges and hearing stories about student antics. However, to do that would be to ignore the 9 (yes nine!) Cambridge bridges that cross the river, dotted along the Backs. Admittedly, some of these bridges are more famous, more interesting, or just prettier than the others. We’re going to tell you about all of them, from one end of the river to the other (ok, not the whole of the river Cam, just the middle river, which is the bit that we punt along). *Warning – may contain spoilers* – you’ll almost certainly hear some of this information if you come on one of our Cambridge punt tours when you visit Cambridge, so look away now if you don’t want to know. Still here? Ok, settle in, this could be a long ride… (don’t worry though, there are lots of pictures). Magdalene Bridge First up we have Magdalene (pronounced maudlin) bridge. This road bridge is at one end (the start as far as we are concerned) of the Backs, on Magdalene street and next to the college of the same name. Not the most exciting bridge to look at: However, it is notable for: being on the site of (or very close to) the original crossing point over the river Cam on the Roman road that linked London (to the south) with the north and was part of an important trade route. The current, cast iron construction was built in 1892, designed by Arthur Browne, then rebuilt in 1982 Grade II listed building Having handy ridges underneath so you can pull yourself through whilst punting At one time [...]

Cambridge Bridges2024-05-10T15:54:19+00:00

The Cambridge Backs

Have you heard of the Cambridge Backs? Even if you have, do you know what (or where) they are? Well, never fear, we are here to assist, entertain (we hope) and enlighten. The Cambridge Backs (or just the Backs for short) are an area of central Cambridge, along the banks of the river Cam. Cambridge University is what’s known as a collegiate university and the Backs are occupied by some of the most famous and prestigious of the colleges that form Cambridge University. There are seven Cambridge University colleges situated along the Backs. Going from North to South: Magdalene College St John’s College Trinity College Trinity Hall Clare College King’s College Queens’ College Just beyond Silver Street bridge at the Southern end of the Backs is Darwin College. Just beyond the northern end of the Backs, behind Jesus Green, is Jesus College. The backs, built on land reclaimed from what was effectively the flood plains of the river Cam, are now home to some eye-catching, inspiring, wonderful and in some cases, also rather famous examples of Cambridge architecture and college grounds. These are, of course, best viewed while relaxing in a Punt, floating down the river. What’s in a name? The name, ‘the Backs’ came about because this area was referred to as the backs of the previously mentioned colleges. The river wends its way through the college grounds of a number of these renowned educational establishments. However in many cases there are now college buildings on either bank of the river. Nonetheless, the name has stood the test of time. As have the views. Outstanding scenery, amazing tranquillity Yes, it’s a cliché but the backs have to be seen to be believed. Just a [...]

The Cambridge Backs2023-08-21T14:50:56+00:00

Cambridge Punting Videos

Here’s a selection of our favourite videos of punting in Cambridge. By our, we mean, created by us… How not to do it Many years ago now, shortly after acquiring a couple of GoPro video cameras, we decided to go out and capture the essence of punting on the river Cam… This was one of our early efforts, ironically entitled Cambridge Punting Carnage: It shows a bit of a minor traffic jam near Trinity college as seen from Garrett Hostel bridge. Believe us when we say that this is nothing compared to what the river can get like on the busiest of weekend days, at the height of the season. We used the term ‘carnage’ with our tongues firmly in our cheeks. Why are we posting about this now? To be honest, we’d completely forgotten about the video until we were approached by a TV production company. They wanted to licence it for use in a new show they were putting together; something to do with comparing punting with gondola rides (if we had a £ for every time someone had confused the two…). Anyway, in the end we decided against allowing them to use it (so do let us know if you see this clip on a TV programme any time in the near future and we can send our legal team round, with their cricket bats and punting poles…) but we thought we would share it here, because, hey why not? More recently, this time using a humble mobile phone camera, we captured some more footage that could easily fall into the ‘carnage’ category. This time, illustrating that self-hire (ie self drive) punting isn’t always the best option… Please note, none of the [...]

Cambridge Punting Videos2023-09-25T14:18:04+00:00

Seriously Though, What is Punting?

More to the point… What is punting in Cambridge? That might seem like a strange question for us to be asking. We will admit that we do already know the answer but, do you? If you’re a resident of Cambridge (or, dare we mention it, the other place), then you almost certainly know what punting is. If you’re a sometime/regular visitor to this city and you’ve read our definitive history of punting then you should also already know (unless, of course, you have a terrible short term memory). Punting in Cambridge offers a unique perspective of the city, especially as you glide along the lower river, where sights like Kings College Chapel, an architectural marvel dating back to the 14th century, come into splendid view. However, if you have never been to Cambridge before, or perhaps have arrived at this website seeking answers to this very question, fear not because we are here to give you the answers you seek. It’s not sport related Let’s get a couple of things sorted from the off – if you’re an avid Super bowl or Australian rules football fan (no, we’re not going to try to explain that to anyone), or someone who likes the occasional flutter on the horses you’re probably in the wrong place. Punting is going to mean something entirely different to you. However, those discrepancies aside, if you’ve ever visited Cambridge, or live in the city, or have seen pictures of people gently propelling up and down the river Cam, you might have some sort of idea of what punts are in this context. It’s got nothing to do with Venice We need to clear one thing up right away. Punts are NOT gondolas, [...]

Seriously Though, What is Punting?2024-05-16T14:38:34+00:00

What’s in a name?

Allow us to set the scene Back when we started out as independent punt operators, there were just two of us, each with our own boat, working together as a partnership. As time went by, we added more punts and, as a consequence, needed more people to work with us to help take the tours and find people to go on them. In those days, we jokingly referred to ourselves as ‘Team Awesome’ (yeah, I know – it might seem a bit cringe-worthy looking back on it but it seemed like a good idea at the time). In those days, punting was still, largely, a summer activity. Most operators ceased trading altogether during the winter, or ran a very limited service. It was during one of those winter breaks that I decided to build us a website to help promote our business and perhaps bring in some advance bookings. Whilst trying to find a suitable domain name (website address), I discovered that most of the ones with punting in Cambridge (or words to that effect) had already been taken. Looking back, had I been a little bit more imaginative, I might have been able to find something (e.g. our current website address puntcambridge.co.uk may have been available). However, I decided to take a different approach and got inspiration from our tout boards, which all had Cambridge River Tour written on them. Perfect, I thought. It’s very ‘Ronseal’ it describes what we do and has the added advantage of making sense to people who have never actually heard of (at least in the context of Cambridge and boat trips) punting. I registered both the .co.uk and the .com domains, set about building a website and we started [...]

What’s in a name?2024-05-10T15:30:08+00:00

An E-luminating Festival!

We all know that Cambridge is a great place to visit in the summer when the sun is (hopefully) shining, the days are long and the weather is balmy. But there are plenty of reasons to visit the city all year round. Originally we had written separate blog posts on the two E-luminate festivals that we managed to attend but these are now combined below. Sadly, as far as we can tell there are no plans to continue with the festival any time in the future. Every year between 2012 and 2018, the e-lumiate festival Cambridge had been showcasing some of Cambridge’s most famous buildings in a new light (pun intended) and the 2016 festival was no exception. E-luminate 2016 With a number of installations around the city: Great St. Mary’s Church; the University Library; Gonville & Caius college were just a few of the iconic locations lit up as part of the 2016 festival, held between 12th & 17th February. They say a picture tells a thousand words so here’s video and some pictures we shot on the last night of the festival. You can see a few more on our instagram feed and also on the gallery page. E-luminate 2018 Yes, it’s back. Cambridge’s E-luminate Love Light festival returns to light up the city for its 6th year. We went along to check out the installations on the opening evening – Friday night. The festival runs until Weds 14th Feb, which handily coincides with half term if you’ve got kids (and even if you don’t) and ends on Valentines day, so might make for a nice romantic wander either before or after you go for dinner. The opening ceremony was held at the [...]

An E-luminating Festival!2023-04-03T10:11:48+00:00
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